tisdag 13 november 2007

Freaks, Perverts, and Ordinary Folks

So I was reading the previous publishing, and that got me thinking. Society of today, you know, has a lot of scapegoats when it comes to sex. Pedophiles, rapists, all of those people have come to represent that which we hate the most, because people do hate pedophiles and rapists, very intensively. But why are we all so antagonistic towards them, specifically? I mean sure, there's talk about how sexual abuse ruins peoples' lives and all that jazz, but - newsflash, people - murderers end peoples' lives. Shouldn't we be more scared of those?

So now I'm thinking: Maybe what we fear in the abusers is more about ourselves. I mean, it stands to reason that none of us have seriously considered, you know, killing someone. But I bet pretty much everyone's had some sort of weird, sexual, deviant fantasy - and there's why it's so scary when others act on them. We know that, if circumstances were difference, that could be you on the tabloids. Then again, sex is a pretty open thing today, nothin' you have to sneak with usually. It's been stated numerous times that your sexual orientation ain't nothing you can change, at least not for most people - and so it's okay to be queer or date two people at the same time. But what if you are one of those people, the bad people, the people who get horny from watching little boys undress? What's there to do about it?

One outta two things, it seems. Either you push it down, ignore it, and spend your life hating perverts for acting on what you're pushing down, or you become the pervert.

Man. I'm glad I ain't no pedophile. That would really make existence suck.

4 kommentarer:

Nallenon sa...

personally, I'd say people are more afraid of pedophiles and rapists because one will not have to live with being murdered. It just happens. Sure, the murder in itself may be messy and long and painful and horrible, which I am sure people are afraid of in the same way that they fear rape, but the actual murder isn't something you will have to live with afterwards, and for the rest of your life. It's just over. Sure, it's horrible for everyone else, but for the person murdered, it's not a problem anymore.
Just a thought.

Nightflyer sa...

I agree with you Rik. And Anton that is a reasonable argument, but I don't think it is like that. It has to be more to it... I guess Rik explains it pretty well.

Yeonni sa...

There are "ins" and "outs" in everything, just like in fashion, even in stuff like "what's the most horrible offence to human rights". I mean, obviously we can't think of everything at once, so we pick pieces to focus on instead.

I'm sure in a lot of cultures, rape doesn't top the "most horrible crimes"-list. And the human rights thing probably affects the question too; rape is something that damages people's integrity far more than murder, so in our days of integrity-whorshipping, rape is obviousy worse.

Sara sa...

Da-Ryun has a very good point. Also it could be that rape is easier to imagine. It is closer at hand. We tend to ignore the fact that one day we will die. It scares us so much that it is not part of our world. And we don't really know what it means to die either, what consequences it will have for us personally. Does it end with death? But we can probably all imagine rape. It is closer to our reality, it feels more likely somehow.