fredag 16 november 2007

Playwrights and Murder

We had the very first theatre meeting yesterday. What did I think?

Not sure. I think it was the first time when I got the role to coordinate people in a more-or-less serious setting, and actually made it work. The point of it was, of course, amusement, being the first meeting - so we worked from our plans, but soon found out that they were insufficient.
So I started improvising, pulling out old theatre practice games from my time in Slovenia. I think it went well, but something inside me tells me that you're not supposed to improvise in organised and serious settings. Still, the older I get, the more I believe that truly successful people really just make shit up as they go along.

We also went through some potential plays. Master and Margarita was mentioned, which I certainly wouldn't object to - adding to that, Mormor Gråter, The Mushroom Murders Mystery, a Shakespeare potpurri, and - About Love. I think, unfortunately, that the latter would be hard. On the other hand, so would Master and Margarita.

Aside from that, we tried gaming over IRC for the first time yesterday. That requires no acting skills whatsoever, which is nice because it means you can be much more relaxed while doing it. It's also less fun, but I've found that recently sloth defeats fun for my part a whole lot more often than I like. I should try to change that somehow. Ideas?

Also, I made sims, in Sims II, that look like monkeys. This is probably my greatest achievement since school started.

4 kommentarer:

Nallenon sa...

I'm fully confident in your ability to just make anything up as you go along, it's worked this far, and it seems to work for a bunch of 'real' movie directors.

I have no idea as to how one beats sloth. Wish I did, though :P

Screenshot or it didn't happen!

Eva sa...

You know what? He did awesome :D I was too tired to make proper prans for the theatre meeting, so I threw it on him instead :D

Yeonni sa...

Sometimes sloth is the only thing between you and instant death.

Yeah, I've thought a little about About Love, and I think it would take some serious actor-effort to give it life. I mean, it's pretty damned intense, and maybe a bit controversial in its simplicity. So I won't hold a grudge if you choose Shakespeare over me =P

Sara sa...

I agree with Da-Ryun here. It would be soo awesome if it was done really well, but it would be veeery hard to play About Love without ruining it. I'm so proud of you Rik, saving the theatre-meeting :D