tisdag 25 december 2007


Reminded of a bunch of important issues by this post, I made an excellent, witty, and summarised reply to it in a comment, and then accidentally hit "back" and lost it. I made a crappy comment instead, so don't read it.

Now the reason I started this blog, initially, was to post as a bunch of alter egos, to spice up the content more than just blathering on about my own boring existence. I don't think I quite succeeded, but it doesn't matter because sort of my point and message was that one stable identity is, to me, impossible. I mentioned this in the very first post, and I'll try to revisit the concept again, because I think it is important enough to this blog, and to my message.

I act a whole lot different when I am with different people. This isn't an act, it's my true self that actually changes. I don't know if I'm a lot more impulsive than other people, but I genuinely *feel* like a different person when I speak to, say, Iceye, than I do to Adam, Kristin, my father, or myself, for that matter. Hence the name of this blog - man of many masks. This isn't very peculiar - we all do it. What befuddles me is that I can't seem to find a stable core inside this chaotic mess. It's like I find layer upon layer of masks until I've digged through the whole heap and come out on the other side. A rough metaphor for how "I" feels to me is kind of like a cloud when you fly through it with an airplane - it's very tangibly there, it's all around you and it constitutes the entirety of the landscape. It's got discrete shapes and a creamy white colour and you get the feeling that you could touch it and it'd stick to your hands in great lumps. But actually, it's just very intangible water droplets that are impossible to touch, and the plane just flies straight through.

Now imagine the airplane is also made of cloud, and you've got a good idea about how I picture the self. It's not there, yet it's very obvious, tangible, visible, and it also somehow makes you fly.

This is why I don't do much introspection nowadays - I just keep lying to myself, or using concepts I've imported from other sources - reflecting my own cloud in those of other people. For instance, when contemplating religion, I think about what Jesus and Buddha and Immanuel Kant and my friends have said, but I don't think there's any stable core to it - I mostly gather what bits of religion that seem to make sense, and then puzzle them together and see how they interact with my own ideas - but it's not really me anymore than my current mood, it just happens to last a bit longer. When I'm happy, I'm happy. Who knows if I stop being happy tomorrow? So, how could I possibly know if I stop being religious tomorrow? If I stop liking philosophical waxing? Heck, how could I know I won't suddenly start identifying myself as a woman?

What's strangest of all, is that it's all these little puzzle pieces that come together and form me. Meaning that "I" is but a series of processes, sensible processes of course, but still, temporary processes. Not news for anyone who's read philosophy of course, but my point is not that the self changes, but that integrity is (kind of) an illusion. I can make my own choices, sure, but I can't make them independently of my surroundings. Is identity a function of the masks we wear? Of what others see us as? I don't mean to say we're slaves to our environment, I'm meaning to say that what we don't show, doesn't exist. What complicates the matter is that we must see the "I" as an observer as well, but not as the only observer, not as an independent observer. It's kind of like a series of processes that can be part of ourselves only, but also processes that are part other people, and these concepts blur together.

Ironically, of course, many of these thoughts are taken from Douglas Hofstaedter. I thought them, though. I mean, I think I thought them. Therefore, I think I am a thought?

9 kommentarer:

Nightflyer sa...

Intressant. Vad händer när du är helt ensam?

Yeonni sa...

That was my thought too.

And yeah, I agree with the masks and all, partly at least. I still think I have some sort of "base" to go back to. Part of it is Cloud, part of it is why I don't learn famous names and strange terms, part of it is why it feels I'm an alien among elves, but it's not the total answer. The total answer is probably tiny droplets of water in air.

Wow, nothing we people ever say to each other makes sense, but we still understand. That must be why I love you guys so much. ^^

Rik sa...

What happens when I'm alone? Picture it kind of like other people being the clouds, and me being the cloud-airplane. I think it's just me, as I am with me, but I can't be sure. I'm a different me when I watch TV than when I draw, my mind works in different ways. I think it does for all people.

Loverboy sa...

I find it quite interesting that we have used the same analogy to describe our minds. Me and you that is.
I'm talking about the clouds of cours.

Maby we peaople aren't so different after all =)

Sara sa...

I 'think' I understand what you're trying to say here. How can I ever be sure though. I think Love has a very valid point. We all think we are so different, but we tend to have a lot more in common than we think.

Sara sa...

Or...it is simply because we are raised within the same culture, and thus learn to use the same analogies and words to describe what we think is the same thing but is really not. We simply don't have any other way of expressing ourselves. To be honest I don't believe this is the whole truth, but it's an interesting thought anyway.

Yeonni sa...

Sara: sort of like that which is lightorangegreen to me is purplebluegreen to you but we only have the word green? I've thought about that too... just like that the "me" is different from different people, "I" don't exist except to me, because the "me" in you is only your constructed picture of "me" with the words and terms available. Fuzzy.

But at the same time, Love may well be right. Because if we turn that around, maybe we're all the same but we interpret the words differently and come off as different?

Rik sa...

Iceye - my point in the original post was that "I" don't even exist to me, since I am hidden behind what others and what I *think* about myself. Just like you are a fuzzy concept to me, I am a fuzzy concepts to me. The only difference is really that I can only see some parts of you, but I can see all parts of myself.

In neither case, however, do I know how all the pieces fit together.

Nightflyer sa...

I can't bring this concept onto my own beleif of what I am. The cloud thing doesn't fit... I act differently around different people but never when I am alone. Then I am the same person always. When I watch tv and when I draw... It's still very much me. Only other people can draw different Madelene's out of "me".