måndag 3 december 2007

I miss men.

I was going to write something productive and creative and interesting to comment on the recent (and muchly happyful) development of a Fiery Fandango but alas, I couldn't think of anything more creative beyond "congratulations you guys" and "*raises an eyebrow like Spock and contemplates what this means*". Therefore, I'll leave the topic unspoken - I'm sorry folks, I really would like to elaborate - and instead talk on something I miss.


Seriously. Since I moved to Uppsala, the amount of men I have spoken with much - I mean really spoken, beyond casual "hellos" and "goodbyes" and "let's do some drama-games people!" - amounts to a total of, I think, two. These two men would be Sydow and Anton - you both have my thanks, very sincerely, but sometimes it isn't enough. I have been back home to meet with the old boys one or two weekends, but it just doesn't feel the same as getting some good old hanging out - I mean the improvised, "hey let's go hang out" kind of hang out, not the "Hey, let's plan in a Mage session two weeks from now!"

This is not meant as any offense to my numerous female friends (and less numerous girlfriend), nor as an offense to the wonderful Mage game (Heavens forbid!), I just kind of miss being an immature slob and taking on a more laid-back attitude. This is not because I want to look good for you girls, but because you punch me if I don't take care of myself. Men punch me less often. I like this quality.

I'm not very much of a beer and pretzels kind of guy, nor a football and boobies kind of guy, so I don't know exactly how this hanging-out looks. I'm guessing some interesting philosophical discussions, some retarded in-jokes, and some good old geek-crunching. The latter is abstract and intangible, but I think it's best described with examples; something like having Kenneth (man, I miss you, Kenneth) coming over to read RPG books together and discussing interesting, brief little points and anecdotes once every 20 minutes or so. It's a relaxed, no-nonsense kind of hanging out which I think is really good for the soul.

I used to do all this on a daily basis. I just don't remember it very well, because it was all so insubstantial and ridiculously pointless. Makes me realize, though, why the British used to have all those "men only" pubs.

Women, please don't hate me - too much of a good thing can be too much, that's all. Sydow and Anton, you guys rock. All the other men I miss, well, I miss you. I miss you, and the good old intellectual stupidity that comes with you.

Rock on.

8 kommentarer:

Eva sa...

*becomes a stone and sits on it*

Yeonni sa...

Men-time: Your decision, your right.

Sydow sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
Sydow sa...

haha, you're very welcome.
Me and my manliness are always there to help :D

And I think I know what you mean,
back in the good 'ol days of Guc me and my rugged group of friends always ended up making remarkable accomplishments when it came to finding ways of killing time.

Now after I graduated and people moved away, the usual pointless, yet strangely fulfilling conversations has decreased drastically.

Granted, I do have Sebbe who, despite his incomprehensible lack of manliness, still makes up for it with his talent of talking rubbish (and probably thanks to his manly-man austrich).

And thanks to you as well, you have contributed to fill "the male bonding quota" =)

Sara sa...

Well you could always try and get to know some new men in Uppsala. If I'm not mistaken there should be some in your class right? Why not talk to them a bit?

Nightflyer sa...

Hmm, I see your point. Well, I miss men for the same reasons. Although I am very much female...

But some part of me really wants to be a guy, and the closest I get to that is when I hang with guys only. It's a strange thing really.

And hey, as long individuals are apreciated I could care less. =P

Nallenon sa...

...*ponders while scratching forehead*...

Nefandus sa...

I'll grow a moustache and walk wide-legged à la need-to-poop John Wayne when you come to visit, so that you get an extra dose of manlyness when you get the opportunity.

I'm reminded of the phrase "bros before hoes", but I don't think that's the situation here...