tisdag 4 december 2007

Numerologically Perfected Relationships

The lines in red mark relationships that must occur for Kristin's transcendental, pan-mathematic geometric model to become perfected. Go get started, people!

42 kommentarer:

Eva sa...

Seriously. I love the David - Björn - Kristin-combo. It will be kinda hard to fullfill though..

Rik sa...

Incidentally, I apologise very, very much for making this horrendously offensive post.

I hope you understand.

Sara sa...

men om du lägger till danica så kanske det faktiskt skulle kunna gå eller? just an idea...

Kristin sa...

åja, om vi ska dra in danica finns det väl ingen anledning att hålla alex utanför

Nightflyer sa...

Jag vill se Evas mycket komplicerade diagram. ^^

Björn och David... Nä jag tro inte det skulle funka va. Inte Anton Da-Ryun heller! Så de så. =P

Eva sa...

Äsch, men det blev ju faktiskt en mycket vacker stjärna! OCh grejen är att vi var udda par. Skulle vi dra in love, alex och danica i det hela skulle det faktiskt kunna bli en stjärna igen.

Sara sa...

Jag vet inte vad det skulle lösa att ta med Love och Alex. Då blir det ju inte jämna par ändå, om vi inte räknar med att en del av killarna är gay förstås, men vi poängen var ju att vara lite realistiska i alla fall...

Kristin sa...

Även om jag nästan känner mig lite utanför måste jag säga att jag på det hela taget inte har nåt emot att stå utanför den perfekta symmetrin, om inte annat kan det nog vara bra för gruppdynamiken.

Yeonni sa...

Kristin: we need to find you a partner, period. Guy, gal, or gobbler, at this point I don't care.

Rik: who's offended? Björn is the beaviouristic perfection of bisexuality, David is too modern to care, Kirstin seems fine, and I couldn't touch Anton and get away with it alive even if I wanted to.

Sara: hey, hey, don't be so picky on sexuality!

Nightflyer & Eva: Yes, we want to see the full diagram! Do we have all necessary information?

Eva sa...

Probably not. So: Party people, if anyone has flirted with someone and not getting responded, maded out or just been secretly together with some1 else. Point it out, so I can add that to the übar diagram of doom.

Nightflyer sa...

Hmm, jag tror att du vet om de flesta när det gäller mig iaf. ^^ Vad är svar på en flört? Well anyways, jag har flörtat med Björn och Love. Med Sara en stund i början också, fast det tror jag inte att hon märkte. ^^

Anton och Jocke behöver jag ju inte nämna liksom. Yay, vad roligt det ska bli att se resultatet. :D Den kommer bli ORANGE jättemycke.

Sara sa...

*sätter en Polly i halsen* ... Nej det märkte jag definitivt inte...

*fem minuter senare* Hmm vilka har jag flörtat med? Typ alla killarna mer eller mindre ju. Frågan är hur seriös jag var dock...men du kan ju lägga till Björn och Kenneth i alla fall. David är så het att man inte vågar flörta med honom :S

Eva sa...

Do not forget the making out parts :)

Nightflyer sa...

Enligt min definition av flört har jag nog inte flörtat med någon alls (Utöver Madde) men enligt hennes definition har jag nog flörtat med fler, men det beror mer på att jag är ganska öppen av mig :P

Yeonni sa...

Maddes definition av "flört" känns lite vidlyftig också för mig. Och om någon har secretly varit tillsammans med nån är det ju inte en secret längre om dom säger det? Anyws, jag antar att min lista sträcker sig till Björn, och dig, Evis. Jag önskar den sträckte sig till Love också, men det vore kanske att ta i. Ja just det, Jocke också. I think that's it.

Jag funderade på att flirta med Kristin i början, men det kändes som att hon skulle sätta mer än en polly i halsen. XD

Kristin sa...

*Kristin is unfortunately way too tired to fully realise what the Iceye just said, but she thinks she would have been embarassed and confused (which fits her general state of mind quite well)*

Rik sa...

Hey, hey, hey - who turned my blog into the Big Brother confessional booth?

Eva sa...

Nallenon, I'd like you and the nightflyer to has a compromise and then tell ne whom he has flirted with. *nod*

Yeonni sa...

who, you ask?

not my fault! *points to your girl*

Nallenon sa...

Ask everyone else, if they feel I've been flirting, then go for it, if they don't, then I haven't.
Actually, that'd be interesting to hear anyway.
1. 2. 3. GO!

Kristin sa...

is it just me or has the time-stamps gotten a bit out of time?

Eva sa...

Not my fault either! *points at the diagram*

Wasn't me who started to do a diagram over stuffs, righto?

(and I still hasn't got the compromise + make out parts)

Nallenon sa...

Kristin, the settings for timestamps can be found, like just about every other question there might be about settings, under "Settings".
Go look.
Works wonders, really :)

Kristin sa...

and just how do you suggest that I should get to the settings of Rikards blogg?

Sara sa...

Oh my pillow, this conversation has really derailed. Another problem is Björn and David. How are we going to get their information??

Eva sa...

Call them! Sara, send a zillion short messages to them or somtn :D

Rik sa...


Oh well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I've flirted with nobody, at least not knowingly, except Da-Ryun the first six months we met. Well, if you count "talking to" as "flirting", which I did back then because I was still in my gynophobic phase, but yeah.

Nallenon sa...

Oh, I know, let's make a chart over who's talked to who. It'll be exciting, I promise ;)

Sara sa...

I can't call them. Can you imagine Björn's reaction when I call him and ask who he's flirted with in the group? I mean come on, the guy misunderstands everything I do already :P


Well it could be kind of fun ^_~ *sara in research-mode*

Nefandus sa...

I'm the "beaviouristic perfection of bisexuality"? Lolwut?

At least that explains me being in the center of the whole thing...

And David is as straight as one can be, methinks.

Kristin sa...

välkommer till vårat blogg-nätverk, Björn!

Yeonni sa...

Whoa... hello björn. Well, now is as good a time as any to say that... actually, I don't think I can express it better than "behaviouristic perfection of bisexuality", but do note the "behaviourstic". As for your "true" sexuality, I leave that revelation to yourself.

And that David is as straight as can be, I agree, though I refuse to say anything for certain about anyone until they have stated something themselves.

Nefandus sa...

Tackar tackar, Kristin.

Jag kommer nog inte göra min egen lilla blog än, dock. Kanske över jullovet - jag har många idéer :)

Nefandus sa...

Iceye: Oh, but he has, you see (hi btw). In fact, he's stated that he's a bit disturbed by the concept - in relation to himself, of course. He's in no ways more of a homophobe than any of us here, but he probably wouldn't be comfortable (nor appreciative) if someone of his gender would hit on him.

Eva sa...

Well, maybe you could be gay, you never know! (now when you're in our network, I request comments on my mighty interpretation of you (or Chris) on my blagh. go you :D

Nefandus sa...

I'm a bit confused where you got the characteristics of my horse from, but you got the characteristics of my luck (or rather, lack of it) down pat. You even got the part where my plans never work right. Good work!

But I'm manly enough!!! Don't need no manly crumbs from the king's table, no sir! *adopts wide-legged, need-to-poop John Wayne stance* >8O

Yeonni sa...

Haha, I see, then I guess that one's settled ^_~

Vary manly. *pat*

Eva sa...

Vänta bara till avsnitt 12. Then you'll have your manliness. Dessutom r det ypperligt användbart att ha en häst saltomorterande upp för en vägg :P

Sara sa...

Oj hej Björn. Vad bra då slipper jag ringa dej :P

Nallenon sa...

Long thread is loooong.

Rik sa...

Shrthread is shrt.

Eva sa...
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