tisdag 14 oktober 2008

This Morning Comes Today

My body seems to really hate six o'clock. I'm supposed to get up at six every day, and for some reason my body really prefers eight. It's happened more often than not now, I think, that every day I start at eight I've woken up at eight sharp, feeling refreshed and ready for a new day, and somehow having slept through my alarm ringing.

If I have to get up at eight, I feel fine. On the days I actually manage to get out of bed at six, my entire day is ruined, and I feel like crap. This despite the fact that I should be used to getting up at six-ish now, since I have to do that almost every day. It's funny, cause my circadian rhythm seems to be really sternly convinced that it's a bad idea.

What am I supposed to do?

7 kommentarer:

Nightflyer sa...

Well, I don't know. At least you could treat the symptoms by getting a new alarm clock.
If you go to bed at the same hour every night your body might get used to the amount of sleep. Then, maybe, it will get used to getting up at 6 and actually be fine with it.

I don't know if this will help you, but there's really only one way to tell.

Yeonni sa...

If you find a solution to this problem let me know, because I tend to have the same problem. Eight is survivable, anything earlier than that is pure torture.

Loverboy sa...

My recipe for sleep.
Sleep at least 8 hours a night, 9 if on hard training (at least!). Always go to bed at the same time. If there is need to make changes in the pattern I sleep 4 hours and go to bed early.

You can always find things to do by night, try going to bed early and do them in the morning instead. So.. always go upo at 6 seems like an idea. Will just take some time getting used to.

Nefandus sa...

You didn't mention when you go to bed. How many hours of sleep do you get?

(It'd be kinda stupid if the reason for your plight would be that you simply got 2 h less sleep every night, hmm?) :P

Xaunder sa...

You sleep too much...
Anyway, when did you say you're going to Karlstad, or even better, Göteborg?
I'm finally getting some time off work since the owners of subway found out I'll be quitting. Result = Cut hours...

Anyway, getting up at five is even better

Kat sa...

Am I wrong when I guess that you stay up all night every weekend? Because that is bound to keep you from getting into these early hours...

Kat sa...

Oh, and yes - you do need a new alarm clock. You'll need to actually get up at 6 if you are to change your sleeping patterns.