lördag 11 oktober 2008

Sidereal Wisdom

Wow, I'm blogging a lot lately. Anyway:

"Once, there was a maiden...
...who stood at the centre of every dance.
Back then, she knew all the dances.
She never missed a step.
One day, she heard something in the music, as a singer dropped the beat.
It taught her the joy of dancing poorly.
She started dancing, more and more awry.
Love has no rules, she said."

From the Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals.

3 kommentarer:

Yeonni sa...

I love it.

Rik sa...

See why I'm a White Wolf fanboy? What other RPG producer would stick that stuff in their corebook?

Eva sa...

Daevas! <3

but yes. Sidereals are cool too. :)