I caused a little bit of it today, I think - unwittingly.
I ordered a book off Amazon - Changeling: The Lost, incidentally - a while back. Inside the parcel, it was stamped as having travelled from Florida to the UK, since i ordered through the British Amazon. So far, makes sense.
But on the package is a postal stamp from New Zealand. Whatfuck? So, for some reason my brand new Changeling book took a detour through New Zealand between the UK and here. Why? Why, why, why? It's on the other side of the goddamn planet. This is just confusing.
fredag 31 oktober 2008
tisdag 14 oktober 2008
This Morning Comes Today
My body seems to really hate six o'clock. I'm supposed to get up at six every day, and for some reason my body really prefers eight. It's happened more often than not now, I think, that every day I start at eight I've woken up at eight sharp, feeling refreshed and ready for a new day, and somehow having slept through my alarm ringing.
If I have to get up at eight, I feel fine. On the days I actually manage to get out of bed at six, my entire day is ruined, and I feel like crap. This despite the fact that I should be used to getting up at six-ish now, since I have to do that almost every day. It's funny, cause my circadian rhythm seems to be really sternly convinced that it's a bad idea.
What am I supposed to do?
If I have to get up at eight, I feel fine. On the days I actually manage to get out of bed at six, my entire day is ruined, and I feel like crap. This despite the fact that I should be used to getting up at six-ish now, since I have to do that almost every day. It's funny, cause my circadian rhythm seems to be really sternly convinced that it's a bad idea.
What am I supposed to do?
lördag 11 oktober 2008
Sidereal Wisdom
Wow, I'm blogging a lot lately. Anyway:
"Once, there was a maiden...
...who stood at the centre of every dance.
Back then, she knew all the dances.
She never missed a step.
One day, she heard something in the music, as a singer dropped the beat.
It taught her the joy of dancing poorly.
She started dancing, more and more awry.
Love has no rules, she said."
From the Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals.
"Once, there was a maiden...
...who stood at the centre of every dance.
Back then, she knew all the dances.
She never missed a step.
One day, she heard something in the music, as a singer dropped the beat.
It taught her the joy of dancing poorly.
She started dancing, more and more awry.
Love has no rules, she said."
From the Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals.
onsdag 8 oktober 2008
Hey Björn!
I see you still read my blog, good. Please tell me a way to contact you, I can't seem to reach you on your cellphone. Is it just the country code that I should change, or do you have a new number?
tisdag 7 oktober 2008
Follow Up
My experiment was at least a partial success for a timeframe of one day. I managed to master Gaussian Elimination and got a basic idea of linear equation systems, without the aid of a teacher, and a lot faster than I would otherwise.
I didn't really make progress in my calculus, but attending school today showed me I didn't really miss anything at all; I followed what was happening.
Conclusion: A valid, speedy tactic, but not one to be used for extended periods of time. Perhaps I shall try how well it works for two days, some other time.
I didn't really make progress in my calculus, but attending school today showed me I didn't really miss anything at all; I followed what was happening.
Conclusion: A valid, speedy tactic, but not one to be used for extended periods of time. Perhaps I shall try how well it works for two days, some other time.
måndag 6 oktober 2008
Lectures Are Not For Me
Today I am conducting an experiment.
Will I learn more if I stay home and study, than if I go to school and listen to the lecturers? I'm starting to doubt the proficiency of especially one lecturer; many classes feel like a waste of time, problem being I can't skip only those lectures since they're in between other, useful lectures.
So I figures, what if I do as much work as possible at home today? Maybe that'll teach me more. It requires more discipline, of course, but it also saves me prodigious amounts of time since I don't have to walk to and from school, nor do I have to listen through a lecturer's fascination for certain small, irrelevant phenomena. It's not that I mind the trivia, of course not - but with the high pace of education here, I have a feeling I can't afford a lecturer who wastes my time. I'd rather spend my free time drawing than listening to a guy going on and on about miniscule mathemathical trivia, actually.
So, everyone cross your fingers that I won't be consumed by sloth while I conduct this 'speriment. Thanks.
Will I learn more if I stay home and study, than if I go to school and listen to the lecturers? I'm starting to doubt the proficiency of especially one lecturer; many classes feel like a waste of time, problem being I can't skip only those lectures since they're in between other, useful lectures.
So I figures, what if I do as much work as possible at home today? Maybe that'll teach me more. It requires more discipline, of course, but it also saves me prodigious amounts of time since I don't have to walk to and from school, nor do I have to listen through a lecturer's fascination for certain small, irrelevant phenomena. It's not that I mind the trivia, of course not - but with the high pace of education here, I have a feeling I can't afford a lecturer who wastes my time. I'd rather spend my free time drawing than listening to a guy going on and on about miniscule mathemathical trivia, actually.
So, everyone cross your fingers that I won't be consumed by sloth while I conduct this 'speriment. Thanks.
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