söndag 7 september 2008

Bruce Willis

How good a shot is he? You see this dude confidently pointing a gun at someone in almost every movie he's in.

It's 06:06 and I refuse to google this question out of pure spite, just so it will boggle your heads and you will have to do it yourselves.

On Monday, that is in 18 hours now, I have school for 12 hours. Feel my blaring pain; class starts 8 and finishes 8.

And there's homework, on top of that. Joy is moi. G'night!

8 kommentarer:

Rik sa...

i am a time traveller this comment was totally left by a person travelling in time. it is i rik back from the future to tell you everyone has crappy grammar and spelling there. be prepared to spell really bad or they will kill you. the time travelling ninjas hate good spelling and already as we speak are dispatching forces of dinosaurs time travelling dinosaurs that is to go back in time and remove good spelling so that everyone will speak in an annoying fashion like me okay i lied about the ninjas really it is just the internet.

in the future everyone lives on the internet, and bad spelling and grammar spreads like a contagion so far i am safe enough to communicate with you past people but

you must find bruce willis and ask him to protect you it is your only choice. for now i must go back to the future and wrestle internet bears. they live on forums and prey on signatures. season is greetings and fair well.

Eva sa...

Hrm, I have School from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening as well, deary. And besides on that, I gotta travel to stockholm during lunch to go for some kinda work interview.

Rik sa...

Oh, I mean as in 12 hours of actual class. I don't have time to go to Stockholm; the longest break I have is lunch for one hour. The rest of them are fifteen minutes every other hour or so.

So. Yeah, still kinda hurts.

Sara sa...

Rick, Fighto!! Ta det igenom det bit för bit och se till att du försöker sova ordentligt. Fighto!!

Arrgh sa...

Skärpning Rikard..

Jag hade också 12-timmars skola emellanåt. För övrigt undrar jag om du löste (6|6^n-2^n), n tillhör Z.

Arrgh sa...

Jag menar förstås (6|8^n-2^n), där n tillhör Z.

*generat leende*

Eva sa...

Hemstudier sucks ftw :) Jag har ingen självkontroll och sitter och läser bloggar istället fr att plugga :P

Rik sa...

Jo, jag löste det. Det står för "8^n-2^n är delbart med 6" och då blev det lättare att göra.

Man behöver dock fuska en hel del med induktionsbevis, känns det som.