måndag 9 november 2009

Stolen Life

I had the oddest dream tonight. I dreamt about living a life, somewhere completely different from here with completely different people. It was with a friend who had a penchant for wearing trench coats, living among some sort of minority group, with different cares and different concerns. I had some sort of administrative job at a school, and I went to church on a weekly basis.

The details don't matter. The important part is that, when I woke up, I had to choke a scream, because it felt as though the life I'd seen in my dream was my real life. For a long time after I'd woken up (in the middle of the night) it felt like I was trapped in an illusion, and that what I'd seen in the dream was the real me, living my real life.

I still can't shake the feeling, and I can't really explain it. It made me feel like I'm a cheap copy, like I'm not the real me - like the real me is hundreds of miles away, leading a life that I've never even heard of. It wasn't more exciting or in any way better than what I have now - it could even be said to be more mundane - but somehow, that life is real and I know it.

This is deeply unsettling. I wonder if it means something. I sure hope not.

4 kommentarer:

Yeonni sa...


One could say only fantasy can be more real than reality, but that sounds so depressing.

Riklurt sa...

Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Arrgh sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
Arrgh sa...

Modified comment: I've had a similar dream where I was a romani boy forced to marry at a young age. It is a very vivid memory. The dream scared me a lot at that time.

Maybe we aren't dealing with the meaning of life anymore, rather the meaning of lives?