tisdag 2 december 2008

Status Report

Reporting my Status: It is kind of okay. I'm reading Iceye's new advent story, it is not what I had expected, not by far, but we'll see where it goes - and it intrigues me. I dare not say whether or not I like it yet, we'll see...

As for school, it is murdering me. I don't have the energy to attend all the classes, but I can't afford to miss any useful classes. Problem is I have no way of knowing which ones are useful and which aren't. But - only two weeks remain of the hard stuff now, then I should have a week to sort of wind down before Christmas. If I fail anything, it'll be the calculus exam, which is early. It'd suck if I did, though.

I'm hoping to see most of y'all people sometime during the Christmas holiday, before it's back to the mill of doom. Hopefully I'll have more free days next term, I could come visit y'all peeps - those of you who are not in the military, then, you'll have to warn me when you're free for visitations.

For fun these days, I play Civilization 2 when opportunity presents itself. Occasionally I play Exalted, when I feel like being a dumbshit and missing classes the day after. I did that yesterday, which is why I'm blogging now at 11.35. But, I take pains to only miss algebra, which is so far an easy subject.

To make this blog episode more interesting than just slices of my life, here is a short-short story:

"When I woke up this morning, I heard a loud rumble. It was strange, because it sounded like thunder, but there were no clouds. Looking outside, I saw some people standing around, confused as to what it might have been. I got dressed and went to school, looking around to see if I could spot any falling trees or something. Nothing. On my way there, more strange noises occurred - people looked mildly confused, but nobody reacted to the loud, wailing alarms that started sounding from - again, seemingly nowhere. It got worse and worse, and I could hear screams in a distance, and more loud rumbles - almost like booms, almost like explosions.

It sounded like war. But - why couldn't I see it? Where did all these sounds come from? The alarms kept resounding as the booms and screams died away. Then, as I finally reached my destination, I saw a terrifying sight;
before the school building, people were lying tossed about like dead leaves. It looked like they'd been killed by an explosion - but nothing around them was damaged, not even their clothes.

The alarms kept screaming."

4 kommentarer:

Kat sa...

I take it you also got disturbed by the airstrike alarm tests...

Yeonni sa...

Airstrike alarm? We have those? It's not, like, illegal in some way? Like, disturbing people's sleep in the middle of the day, or reminding escapees of their horrid pasts, or traumatizing young people with loud sounds?

I wonder, if someone would airstrike this country, what would they aim at? I guess if I was an evil dictator, I'd aim at anything flight-related, powerhubs and schools. Universities, really, since no one wants to be an asshole and kill small useless children.

Rik sa...

Yep, those were what inspired it. I started thinking, you know - what if a war occurred elsewhere in the country? Until I have access to the news, I wouldn't know, you know? So my imagination started spinning around.

Kat sa...

If I was a really evil dictator (and therefore aim at killing as many civilians as possible) I would probably order the attack to be carried out at 3 pm on the first Monday of any month...