tisdag 9 november 2010


So today I got up early - at six - to prepare for going to school. I woke up in high spirits, turned on the television and caught the weather forecast. What I saw can basically be described like this:

It gives the impression that today is going to be a fun day.

8 kommentarer:

Nightflyer sa...

Haha! Det beskriver vädret just nu skitbra. =D

Nallenon sa...

Excellent description indeed :D

D sa...

The weather being?

Snöblandad laser?

Riklurt sa...

Totalt absolut snökaos (storm), men "snöblandad laser" låter coolare, so let's go with that.

Kat sa...

I'm still amazed by the collective amnesia the Swedish people seem to have when it comes to snow. Every year we are collectively taken by surprise when the first snowstorm hits.

Heh, my Spanish friend Ale made a funny observation when it comes to rain in the south of Spain. "It's like it's raining acid. People are afraid to go out because they'll get wet. 'Oh no, I can't go to school today - it's raining!'"

Nallenon sa...

To be fair, this specific snowstorm was rather sudden and rather early, so I can forgive people this time.

Kat sa...

I was warned at the weather report the evening before, and think it's reasonable to think that the people responsible for clearing snow might have done so too.

Riklurt sa...

One day is pretty short notice, though. I'm not sure how the schedule for snow-clearers work, but it might not be possible to call in everyone needed with one days' notice - and then there's always paperwork, which could get one delayed as well.