lördag 27 mars 2010

General Geekery

So I've been looking into some RPGs that I might want in the future, try some new things and stuff. I know very little about them other than what I've gleaned from forum discussions, rumours batted around on the Internet, and short articles.

I'm going to make a handy list for myself here (and also, it's my birthday in a short while. Eh? Eh?)

Kult: Death Is Only the Beginning is, well... a cult game, by now. Famous for being very dark, very offensive and accused of having inspired at least one murder and at least one suicide, it's more or less a collector's item. It's a Gnostic game in which characters gradually go more insane. Don't think I'd like to play it, but it's so famous that I should probably own it. Would probably prefer the English version, though it is a Swedish game.

Adventure! Also a cult game, this game focuses on a group of psychics and superheroes in the 1920s Pulp era. You basically play as Indiana Jones fighting against psychic Nazis, monster-worshipping cults or pulp-era supervillains - think the early superheroes from Watchmen. I know very little about this game, except that it's famous among White Wolf fans.

Aberrant Taking place in the same world as Adventure! Aberrant is a relatively famous superhero game. It runs on the same engine as Exalted/old World of Darkness, but with themed groups of superpowers allowing for creation of superheroes. It's reputed to have a good focus on character interaction, and also to have a slight Watchmen-feel about it.

Cthulhu Tech It's H.P. Lovecraft meets Alien meets giant mechas! This game focuses on war with alien superbeings in a dark future, placing characters in the role of mech pilots, weird fringe sorcerers, beastmen, symbionts and other people who fight the strange by getting stranger. Also: People in giant mechas fighting against cosmic principles, pitting human hope and fighting spirit against the fabric of the universe itself? Who the hell do you think I am?

Shadowrun Simply too famous not to have at least tried, this is a somewhat silly mash-up of Neuromancer and J.R.R Tolkien. A cyberpunk fantasy game, Shadowrun is very widely renowned for being an interesting setting, although the rules may be somewhat clunky, which is a big turn-off for me.

Edit! Forgot some vital ones:

Pathfinder The famous "D&D 3.5 + 0.5", this game is an alternative to the 4th edition for those who preferred the track 3rd edition was on. While I don't play a lot of D&D these days, it seems like it could be fun and it fixes a lot of the problems with D&D - for instance, there are far fewer "dead levels", levels where nothing happens.

Scion: Hero This game is about the children of gods, half-gods wreaking havoc in a modern world as the old Titans return to, well, mess with people presumably. It's pretty much the Percy Jackson series, except made by White Wolf, running on oWoD mechanics and a penchant (as usual for White Wolf) for really weird stuff. Bonus points for allowing you to play children of voodoo gods, because voodoo is awesome. There are two "sequels"; Scion: Demigod and Scion: God.

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