torsdag 4 februari 2010


So, as of this weekend everybody's moving out. Henceforth, me and Sara will be living in a very much too big apartment. Minna-san, we'll use the spare room as a gaming room - be sure to stop by for your everyday wacky game needs (or maybe not everyday, but, everyweek? Or something.)

Hopefully this signals the dawn of a good era - but difficult to see, the future is.

6 kommentarer:

Nefandus sa...

I spent a split second wondering who Minna-san was before I realized and a chorus of NNEERD NEERD NNEEERRRD began screaming in my head...

I am a sad human being T-T

(But I just realized I stealth-insulted you as well, Rikard. So all is not lost, I guess)

Riklurt sa...

Multilingualism ftw! (I speak fluent Internet, how about you?)

Nefandus sa...

Oh yes, including many dialects such as l33t, troperish, lolcat and troll.

Riklurt sa...

Linguistics oo
Specialties: Uncountable.

D sa...

Signs of life from Silent Bear! Where are you and why?

Nefandus sa...

Silent Bear is henceforth my new ninja name...